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Why Diablo 4 Season 6 Is Losing Players Fast

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Why Diablo 4 Season 6 Is Losing Players Fast

Nov 12 2024

WUZLE: Let me guess: it's a combination of "Play a Spiritborn or go home" and the terrible new loot system that makes good ancestrals harder to find than Mythics.
TrongVue: Chasing Aspects on Ancestral Gear as a solo player sucks!
cesarg26: I got tired of farming for runes and mythics that never dropped.
sanchez01hood: The new loot system is aggravating. We don't have the time to grind like streamers do.
sureberferber9101: Path of Exile 2: Be patient, my friends. We're almost there...
CookaSoupNieceEH: I prefer S4-S5 progression, now it feels like a fulltime job
83DragonWolf: I believe they designed Vessel of hatred around streamers not casual players.
marzatplay: 1. The grind is too long, too frustrating. Doesn't allow for alts because primary character takes too much grind.

2. 1 broken class (Spiritborn) means no one wants to play any other class and therefore role an alt. Eventually it gets boring grinding Paragon levels.

I'm at this point.
Drakzharl: It's because Spiritborn is so op, other characters are not even worth to try.
GripChief: I'll tell you what's up. Realmwalkers freaking suck! It's tedious following it around, waiting for it to finally stop, so we can attack it. Then we have 2 dungeon rooms to clear, just for some opals and whack gear.
vitoraugusto1085: I think players are tired of leveling up all their gear to 12/12 and not feeling strong, plus the loot is horrible and the game loop is quite limited and toxic.
Kerr15: Because it’s all about spirit born and other classes suck unfortunately
stateazure: Biggest issue in D4 for me is the loot, and the developers simply don't seem to understand how to make it progressively fun at high levels. It hit me around 200 paragon. Ancestrals are too rare, ancestrals with 2 or more greater affixes are even more rare, mythics are a joke too but it's the ancestrals that are the real problem. Most of the time at 217 paragon now I'm just getting standard legendaries and useless uniques over and over, the very rare time I get a couple of ancestrals they're almost always straight to the trash. I wish these developers would look at other games that manage to do it better. Nioh 2 has a fantastic end game gear progression, that continues to be fun and rewarding for a really long time after finishing the main campaign. Where's the fun/interesting loot in D4? It just hits a wall far too soon and not enough control is given to the player to fix (temper etc), and why can't they let us re-roll greater affixes, instead of completely losing them? These devs ever since the beginning, are so frightened of power creep that they continually hinder the potential fun the game could offer.
Jagrajagra: Some points:
1- For a casual player, it's increasingly tedious to know that you'd have levelled to 201 by now (where all my alts in the eternal realm are). Level to 300 would be ok... if it was attainable.
2- Endgame bosses not even dropping ANY 800 lvl loot (I've been stuck with the go-to Spiritborn weapon on 750 since forever).
3-Everything that drops is miserly, unless you can play several hours a day. A lot of my friends who play this are middle-aged like myself. We've played through every Diablo and all agree this version update is quite possibly the worst version we've ever played.
4- The forced multi-player aspect. None of my friends like the toxic multi-player environment.
5- No-one likes their class being hammered because of Blizzard's own ineptitude.
6- The runes are an absolute mess and bosses dropping a common rune every time you kill them is withering the remnants of pleasure even more. "Trade your runes for the ones you need", they say. I have nothing to trade.
7- The only mythic i've seen is random one i crafted, and thank god it wasn't the amulet! I'll never be in a position to craft a preferred mythic.
8- Switching the locations for everything you need to max out has been frustrating. I'm still not sure what the point of the Infernal Hordes is, this season. It certainly isn't about getting much needed gold- again miserly. I felt cheated when i had to trade in my entire aether on torment 3 and then 4 after a difficult fight and got... 5 million gold.
9- Changing specs to try out different ideas? Not a chance. And the new glyph boards means re-learning everything again.
10- Aspects. Wtf Blizzard! You can't even find comfort in levelling your aspects to the best level. It seems like Blizzard is catering only to the hardcore players who do nothing else BUT play Diablo.
11- This is a minor thing. Druids. Boring. Also never seen a female druid in the game. Ever. And not seen too many male's either. It's obviously an internal prejudice to play "fantasy" characters, so why not allow more body shape options?
Last season i had a huge amount of fun killing everything at top level with my sorcerer. Now i'm stressing about even getting my resistances and armour to an adequate level for Tier 4. I haven't even bothered with the sorcerer because i can't even get the S tier Spiritborn levelled OR geared up. This is NOT a fun game any more. Blizzard has lost all my goodwill with this patch and expansion.
Peeps86: I loved how you craft Mythics in Season 5. Now it feels nearly impossible to get the Mythic you want.
Vo0Do0o: That’s because it’s “play spiritborn or go home”
discodisco360: 1. Spiritborn is so overpowered that it makes every other class less desirable to play
2. Spiritborn the jack of all, other classes need a overhaul
3. Camera view "FAR", we need much more zoomed out view. Playing on TV everything feels gigantic. We need another Options "More FAR", like standing in front of whispers tree should be an option at least.
4. Group Forcing, I forced myself into grouping up with others just because making rotations/speed farming in groups gives so much more reward. We NEED Solo Self Found that is rewarding for the time spent. Those of us that don't enjoy grouping should not be forced into it.
5. "Blasting" going fast, has ruined the charm of the game. Your actions/skills don't matter anymore.
6. Boss / Mobs are badly designed, it's just boring to engage in many of these fights, specially dungeon bosses
7. Repainting/overusing boss/monsters and calling it "new content"
8. No real progressing system in endgame, D4 is built on activities to redo until you want to throw up, it's extremely boring. POE has maps and a lot of other fun progression in endgame.
9. Build diversity, to many restrictions, just give us the tools and let us figure out the builds
10. Inventory needs a complete overhaul
11. Trading, going on too external sites feels horrible, for those that like trading there should be a AH in game
12. Inflation of the game economy, this is season 6 and still the game is having problems with duping, players tricking 18 resolves stacks and much more, this needs to be fixed
13. Game needs a lot more real NEW content with new distinct mobs and bosses
14. Must do Pits to grind xp instead of distributing it equally over all other content
15. Grinding/bricking the few good items you get feels horrible when you want to try different builds/alts
16. All items should be more efficiently obtainable within Torments 1-4, otherwise remove blue runes from crafting
17. Loot progression in endgame and within a season feels tedious and not rewarding for the time spent
18. Seasons/Events are lacking some fun and engaging content/mechanics
19. Pet has a very slow and limited pickup radius
Complication84: Shocking, a company obsessed with maximizing profits over everything is more focused on making the mobile game more appealing while the pc game is left to rot.
JBengaIII: The cycle of D4 season releases.
Rhykker:This is best season yet, no longer D4 bad….. 2 weeks later… Fixes went in making the season complete…… I month later D4 bad and how they can fix
VK-el3of: Game is boring as shit. Learn the economy and it gets boring after first week.
kuchigyz6231: I quit D4 S6, because I wanted to theory craft some Spiritborn builds, but the meta turned out to be "find broken interactions and build for some super obscure and specific stats to take advantage of the bugs" instead of "find cool synergies and trust that things work exactly how they are written on the tooltip"
gullev3321: I, as a casual player hit a ceiling, where I felt I did not find anything that made me stronger (ancestrals), and I stopped, sayng to myself:" I do not have time for this.", so I stopped playing.
sepheul: Some of us said the expansion isn't that good and the season is weak but you knew better...
AwkwardBird: you did multiple videos saying the haters were wrong tho...
mariogonzalez9446: With season 6, it never felt like I was getting stronger. The new difficulty system sucks
nekronik: I can't even craft a mystic because I need some random runes to drop to make mystics. It takes too long to max everything out. Super grindy and not enough fun
craig543: Paragon levelling from 240 was too slow so I'm playing other games now
robertorossi4361: Regret getting the expansion. I just lost interest and haven't even finished the story mode. The buggy op thing doesn't exactly help the game, just makes me want to play it even less.
rockkiller124: D4 makes D3 looking like a masterpiece in comparison (not to mention it had better expansion as well), also can't wait for POE2 early access
tylermichaudweb: “Why are players dropping off.”

Bro, respectfully - do you really have to wonder?

This game is an infinite departure from what made the OG games good.

I hope you will begin documenting PoE, a game/studio with their heart in the right place, worthy of everyone’s attention. I imagine they would probably compensate you far more fairly than anything Blizzard could possibly offer. Unfortunately, the studio we once loved is now totally cooked.
michaels7984: Mechanically, i think the changes are or would be fine, but there are a few major problems:

1. Spiritborn is too strong and makes everything else feel weak.
2. They nerfed too many classes builds. In previous seasons, playing alts was more fun when you had more options that were fun.
3. The drop changes for gear was overboard. It's too difficult to get what you need.
jf6331: For me, the gearing is too much crafting and too much RNG. When you finally get an item, the powers roll shitty, GA on the wrong things, several GA but the power rolls low so its practically garbage". Its honestly not that fun. To me, the legendary powers should be a fixed amount so the GAs should be the added bonus you'll always be happy with.
I miss when you got items and you got excited because what you got is the "best" of that item you could get. I miss looting items and be happy with them.
The legendary powers and some tempering are also boring. Why isnt my Whirlwind doing the damage instead of some damn Dust Devils? I want my skill to be powerful and not some added ability.
Same with the runewords. They are extremely uninteresting and is yet another random thing that happens you cant really control. I want runewords to make me an item.
Actual Items is what this game is lacking. I'm tired of altering my existing items to oblivion.
There are alot of things with the loot experience i dont particularily enjoy and these are just a few.
YuRo0o: I got tired faster than ever, main reason is because i didn't pay for the "expansion" therefore losing an important part of the build balancing. I don't think the main game is finished already and i see no reason for another 40€ on top of the 70€ gave them last year. The game loop has changed in a good way, but the gameplay still sucks, do gigabillion dmg or what? Not much reason to avoid things, just go face and hope you have the perfect gear for that barrage of damage coming to you.
thebrucie: A point I'd make as someone who plays a lot but casually (on a second screen a lot, not a lot of min maxing) it seems to me that most of the strongest builds are pretty much the same build using a lot of generic (increase block / crit / armor) affixes, then add main skill of choice. Playing a spiritborn, it you're not using ravager / armored hide / hunter regardless of your build then you're already behind.
Secondly, the lack of any kind of thought toward the endgame lore is just disheartening. Consider POE, where you encounter The Envoy, who tells you of the Maven's arrival, and then you have to fight a buffed map boss to gain her favor, then you complete more buffed map bosses to complete her challenges, then she warns you of the other pinnacle bosses, then you find their beacons, fight through influenced maps to defeat their harbingers, then fight through harder influences maps to fight the pinnacle boss, then you need to fight the Maven herself. Compare that to Diablo's endgame "hey, you found a thing, you can fight a boss now." The only lore or buildup is hover text on a tool-tip. Who the hell is Grigiore? I dunno, go fight him.
My third point is The Diablo is series of games are horror ARPGs. Blizzard constant desire to change it into a multiplayer game, to change it into an MMORPG, is frustrating as hell. It was a game about atmosphere and dread and terror, but now it less a fight against the forces of darkness, and more just a giant bloody rave. Trying to do a boss in Helltides when there's 15 other people running around firing of skills is NOT WHAT I play this game for. I have no idea what I'm accomplishing or adding to the fight, there's just a whole bunch of effects going of demons are appearing, then dying just as fast, here's some rewards, oh, can't pick it up, more demons. Ditch the ominous soundtrack, and just pump some EDM into the game.
justinian333: Respectfully, there are a lot of issues that I don't believe you've touched on here Rhykker, which are in fact the biggest issues imo.
1) No leaderboards = No real goal or competition.
2) Ridiculous unaddressed bugs with some people clearing Pit 150s like they are Pit 75s. Its very disheartening.
3) Dupes are completely out of control.
4) The new mythic crafting system is horrendous. Now everyone needs to buy duped runes in order to craft mythics.
5) HC players really can't do the Dark Citadel because of 1 shot mechanics. Seriously - WTF?!?! Thats half the reason I was excited for the expansion.
6) Issues with itemization others have mentioned. Now its a game of accumulating or buying massive amounts of gold and then buying duped 3 and 4 GA items in trade chat. Thats not fun.

I could go on, but some of this stuff is very disheartening and I kind of think you are avoiding speaking up about the real issues to ensure you remain Blizzard friendly.
MrDtw1977: For me personally, I feel the reason I stopped playing S6 is a combination of burning out on the grind for better gear and not wanting to start any alts due to the Spirit Born being so disproportionately OP. It's not a good feeling every time you get a greater affix unique drop that you could actually use and the legendary power is the lowest roll. Plus the change to crafting mythics is horrible. As a casual player I was actually able to craft the mythics I needed last season, now I feel like there's no chance I'll get the runes I need to craft the ones I want. All and all there are too many instances of feeling bad in proportion to the feeling good moments to keep me playing this season.
2gjones1: I stopped at the beginning because the answer is obvious The EXP grind to 300 is insane. There's only one class to play. There are no continuing mechanics after the initial reward tracks And the seasonal events on lackluster when you boil It down the seasonal event is a 15% exp buff with a minor buff and another drop rate of your choice. That is really what the season is so everyone got bored.
jamescarter6468: The reason for the drop off is simply the classes are boring.

PoE 2 is LAUNCHING with more classes than D4.

Grim Dawn allowed for multi classing

Diablo has 1 broken class (that’ll be nerfed into the dirt instead of raising every other class up because devs) and a bunch of super bad classes.

We need rogue-like randomized lairs, we need tougher enemies, we need quests to mean something. How many people actually do side quests?? They don’t reward anything good.

AND. They hide the best cosmetics behind a paywall instead of having you grind for them like other games. Players don’t want the nickel and diming anymore.
Mister_Vintage: A couple days into gearing my first alt, it was clear that gearing is awful. Coming off seasons 4 and 5 when gearing and building up alts was amazing, this iteration is unplayable for me.
davidr5380: What did it for me:
I main Sorc, and can't remotely compete with Spiritborn no matter what I do
278 straight Andariel/Duriel kills with no mythic drops
Worst game stability I've seen since launch. Endless crashes, horrible lag, and 50/50 shot of game crashing on launch.
pmgpc69: I’m a casual player and I’m playing my first season. I finished the battle pass. I just have to clear Pit tier 50 to finish the season.
garyhunt1813: My GF and I stopped playing this season, because we are casual gamers and they turned down legendaries so much that we weren't getting anything good, on the way to the level cap.

Between us, we had 5 characters at max level last season. We don't have one this season. Good, helpful legendaries don't drop. Too much grinding, it takes too much time.
Tomhevford: Played a sorc (fireball), a SB (Quil volley) and a rogue (dual core rapid fire). I could rush with SB to T4 easily grinded my gear and had a lot of fun. Then I started sorc and rogue and i took me much longer to reach T3 where I am currently stuck with upgraded gear and even mythics. Game makes only fun currently with SB, because of the absurd dmg output while other classes feal weak. Balance of SB ruined the progression feeling for me. I think T3 was intended where most people would hang around and T4 only for the absolute min maxed builds but rigth now everyone hangs in T4 with SB because its very easy to reach it. Playing anything than SB makes you feel stupid.
kildain3438: It's a Single-Player game with shoe horned multiplayer "features" to be able to sell battle passes. It's not surprising when people are done with the new content they move to something else.
Stratocaster42: People finally realised that 50 hours of fun every 3 months doesnt make an arpg good
N7StormGaming: My biggest reason for dropping out is I stopped feeling rewarded once I feel like I’m not seeing improvements in my gear (this happened early for me this season cause bad drops had me go multiple days without good drops), and there is always the gloom that all my materials and gear reset at season so doesn’t make sense to prepare for something new so I just stop and wait for next season.
Slvrbuu: As a D4 casual, the chase is tedious. You can trick yourself into believing those legendary aspects are a bonus that you don't actually need, but a lot of people see them as necessary for completion. Chasing runes is tedious in order to get your mythics, so now it feels worse than what we had before -- especially since most builds need more than one. Bricking items as a more casual player is still just as painful as before. A solution for the Solo player would be an AH. I don't want to engage with trading because I don't have enough time to figure out the value of the item I'm buying at the time (things change with supply and demand), and then finding out you got ripped off feels bad. Also, the possibility of buying a dupe that will straight up vanish is daunting. So I'm hesitant to do it.

I don't know how POE does it, but I feel better chasing items in that game, than D4. And all I do in POE is solo self found. I think it's because of the money you're forced to invest, rather than choosing to invest (you have to buy the base game, the expansion, the seasonal battle-passes). So, you feel like you're being strung along because they still want you to buy their cosmetics. But, maybe I'm wrong. Either way, I stopped after completing the battlepass.
heitorvserpa: I guess the weak mid season event was the nail in the coffin. In S5 we could farm sparks with new chars to craft mythics, now not only the crafting system got worse with runes, but the season mechanic is terrible, with too much grind for little reward. We have no reason to come back with an alt.
istvanjuhasz210: Good gear harder to find, Spiritborn or GTFO, seasonal theme and mechanic worse then S1, halloween event worse then any, while seeing Immortal haveing huge events, seasons, class updates and new classes, activities added with each season. Tonedeaf devs asking if they should nerf SB, but not provideing buffs to the original 5, SB being so synergistic the origan 5 classes needs a complete rework, cookiecutter mythincs dominating the meta, no semblance of balance, constat change in direction as leadership changes. Not being able to keep game breakeing bugs in check, makeing certain builds/variants unplayable and tradeing economy broken each season due to dupes. No effort, for big money. It's a mess.
oven3515: Have not watched yet but
Season mechanic sucks
Spiritbirn is pretty much the only coass worth playing
Halloween event was worthless
I still hate tempering
MlDNlTEOWL: I stopped because I want to play the class fantasy I choose and still complete my journey and build. I do not want to be handicapped by playing something other than Spirit Born. It's that simple.

Also, finding good ancestrals to build off of feels like a neverending slog. I don't mind grinding, but I need more of a reward than gambling obols because every drop I acquire is bad. This is doubly true because masterworking is a dice roll.
waynepugsley875: As a casual player who perhaps gets one or 2 mythic a season at most to have several then for Blizzard to trash all my items from seasons 1 to 5 was a joke and a real kick in the teeth for casual players.

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