KatalistProductionsKozzySasha: Been enjoying Season 4 way more than I was expecting to
twidleedee2487: Got back into D4 after quitting during season 2. I’ve actually been kinda addicted. Very surprised how much I enjoy the game now
craigskrepnek1684: I actually had this thought today as I was walking to the beer store. So many nice lawns. I am 32.
JPSM89: the contrast from intro -> outro opinion
Marksman560: Been enjoying Darth way more than I was expecting to
TheDeeMan07: Jim went hard asf on that intro
Numen1337: Keep up the d4 content!
Johnnybsknees: The contrast of talking about the value of time and effort in maintaining a lawn and how admirable that is vs wasting 6 hours without getting some usable pixels
thirtysilver33: New class is a blood knight. Pin this and tell me I was wrong.
OntarioGuy430: This was a really nice little mash up of clips !