impurgatory3738: The real bottle neck has been gem fragments
simeonlp: Very useful for those who still need heads. Unfortunately for those of us who've done everything there's nothing to do
111dread1111: Sounds like an exploit
jordan_goes_in4378: Always here early for my BARBNATION homies.
kccustom1: I just finished this quest 2 min before I watched this video FML
ZAITSEFBEATS: Shoutout to @Sliver of time for mentioning this first!
yonathangutierrez825: You should give credit to the guy that found out about this...
espguitarist13: Love how rob constantly promotes bug abuse lmao. Dude can't play the game normal, always has to cheat somehow.
NickLamott: I appreciate Rob waiting a week before posting this. The “devs” are sure to nerf it now but at least I got a chance to try it. (Decay nerf
phunkym8: whats the point if gems have been the bottleneck this season
MrKhalsam: You know theres something extremely wrong with the season theme when people need to resort to this stuff...
solo0071: Just when I thought this season couldnt get more boring
pardo-1317: this kinda old now
toastedzen: This was the video which finally made me unsubscribe.
budnerjohn08: Thank you. This is working.
kevinmann2154: You can also use heads to get xtra rot cache and then get the progress cache to max out spark progression but takes alot to do.
EliDohertyty: Meine Vorstellung von einer wilden Nacht besteht jetzt darin, bis nach Mitternacht aufzubleiben, um eine neue Serie auf Netflix zu sehen. Wer braucht schon ein Abendessen bei Kerzenschein, wenn man Cliffhanger und Popcorn hat
VitalieC: U can get the second head too. That will not change anything. Just don't talk to NPC :) And better to open all the stuff in that dung, I got a lot of 2-3 GA items on T4.
colby8104: I already have the legendary gems i need and have over 130 fugitive heads without doing any exploits. The best gear farm in general is the headhunt zones so there's no reason to run anything else besides for xp
jaleko8331: Hotfix tomorrow
ashearavonderboerde7194: Vor einer Woche gans dazu schon Videos..
deluge999: Can't chose Torment 1 difficulty on a fresh character tho
angelluz2775: And you gonna ask Blizzard to nerf it too?
kasanovakash25: Think they fixed this one the xbox already. Did it 10 times with 0 drops