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Unlimited Ancestrals Massive Restless Rot in Season 7 Diablo 4 Guides

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Unlimited Ancestrals Massive Restless Rot in Season 7 Diablo 4 Guides

Jan 23 2025

Jdiroe: This season looks fun. Diablo 4 is now definitively a casual gamers game. I’ve played POE2 and although I enjoy it because there is way more depth, the time sink is at least 100 hrs to grasp the class to get a good idea of the endgame. So I will play both POE2 and Diablo 4 when the time is right.
Mathew4TW: The mayor got lots of rewards :P
(Thanks for the video - great tips :D )
HoosierLarry: Roots! Bloody roots!
HolyNies: To be honest the period from 1 - 60 lv is the best time I have ever played in arpg game ever thank you diablo 4
bofygaming9672: Do this first ! Uninstall
chillibumba: Great video! Straight to the point.
geo28188: How do you get a ROOTHOLD?
unknowncomic4107: This is the boss fight, you just quickly nuke him...he says.....riiiiiiiiight
FrankFacts81: I feel the title is a little misleading, saying to do it first when this is being started in torment level one. I’m not starting a torment level one if you’re asking people to do this first after T1 then I understand 100%. But still, you do great videos your guys really help me. I’m just making a small constructive note.
Sternreign: Should I save my class Quest for 60 or ignore it?
afb9999: Diablo 4 is down for game pass players :( wtf blizzard
_KNFPRTY_: so this season is basically exactly this same as previous seasons?
tylerrauch4655: its too much... sigh
abelke: This season sucks
michaele.strasser9641: For me it's hard to believe that anybody is able to watch this for several hours without becoming brain dead. It's a fast flickering mess with pointless DPS numbers popping up where I got seasickness..
How do you feel afterwards after streaming for 7 hours? I find it rather interesting that your brain can take it that long.

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