DaLastSaiyan: You gotta stop making me change my builds every other day. Lol
myungyu8258: I had to make 2 barbs because I can't keep switching my builds anymore.
lonrea2886: at this point, i just watch his vids for the laugh factor and not with the build itself! best build guide ever!
HobbyAddict52: If Richard Attenborough narrated build guides.
eigelstein25: Well damn my man, I observe myself adapting your articulation in every day life and I fucking love it
mkloudsql3285: So basically and arc lash build for barbs... I like it
Yxalitis: I played one of ROBS Barb builds, was fine until I hit the boss. no mana, no basic skill, was fucked.
Switched over to your Leap WW Barb build ( I like leap, I want Leap, I must Leap!) and swept through like crazy, miuch better build.
Sucks at Uber Lilith though, but that's OK.
mikeevola3801: "Meaning, you press that shit, real good." Please Mr. Perra Gaming never change!! I watch these vids for a little build guide info but far more for entertainment. Best vids on YT!!!!!
InsaneFlaGATORS: Your leap build still looks like it is the most fun
gottinrod: I laughed more than i should at the skill board explanation.
787bambino: Ay last one build that works for me