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The Truth About Diablo 4 Season 6

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The Truth About Diablo 4 Season 6

Oct 22 2024

WeaponOfMyDestructio: As a newbie to ARPGs It might sound insane but this is why i don't follow build guides I play with it myself. Its more fun to me that I figure something out.
toddchristiansen1441: The real problem with Spiritborn isn't just the Evade build or the Viscous Shield bug. The real problem is most of the strong builds are using exactly the same items and exactly the same set of skills, just with a different resource spender. That's INCREDIBLY lame.
andredornelles8014: There’s only one way of being critical to Blizzard’s eyes: not buying stuff
There’s only one way feedback Blizzard gets when you buy the game: you like it
dslyexic6867: Just wanted to add that items with an upgrade over your current codex rank actually ARE marked, since you mentioned that would be a nice addition.
There is a small gray icon in the corner of any item with 2 swords crossed indicating it's an upgrade. Has added a bit of excitement whenever I drop an ancestral and see the icon in the corner :)
kaizer-777: My biggest complaint with D4 is that they've somehow managed to kill all excitement about item drops. Running tormented bosses and getting an inventory full of "uniques" is not how these games should work. I should get excited when a unique drops, not bored out of my mind because I know the rolls on the item are going to make it useless 99% of the time.
graysonb_designs: Best thing about doing Whispers now is that you can complete just TWO 5 point whispers, turn in for a good chance of a Greater Cache, repeat that for an hour or so, have an entire inventory of boxes, and then instantly hit level 60 with an alt.
bancai1517: As a Sorc player, I have been playing D4 without the expansion this season, it's pretty depressing doing a fraction of the damage of a Spiritborn, the balance isn't even close which sort of ruins the Season.
jrzez: Its not $40 worth of content overall. Thats the problem. One class. Basic new territory. Not many new worthwhile features. And the other classes are forgotten with barely anything new for them. Feels like a free update.
Shawn14316: Spiritborn is ruining the experience with it's op build. Any time I join a event. I may as well not even try to hit anything.
DarthMizaru: I just dont like how every other class is way below SB ans how runes are behing a paywall.
ragmanx6256: As a primarily solo player without any competitive aspirations, I'm having a lot of fun with the game, and the only thing I don't like is the dark citadel forcing me to do the co-op thing.
MMOGUIDE: I am not a fan of spending 30 minutes going through a bunch of garbage loot trying to find a single "4/4 aspect upgrade" that you so enjoy.
I grind, loot and mass destroy all items for cosmetics, materials and aspects.
The previous system would cripple my grinding and make me move onto other games like before.
Casual players do not have enough time to complete everything each season after wipe after wipe.
Hardcore players will push to get to top level and then farm everything else... resulting in content becoming "stale" and/or "boring" with "nothing to do". Take your time, Diablo 4 is a hack and slash looter and not a race.
I'm enjoying the spiritborn but this wasn't my first choice to start with as I went with lightning spear sorc which is tremendously weaker in comparison, but you already know that.
The "numbers squish" doesn't seem to apply to my spiritborn doing 900 million damage at times.
fyte4luv23: not touching anything this particular team worked on anymore. the only expac i didn't buy in the history of diablo. d5 is doa if this stupid team blinks at it
nickr8337: I'm confused, you said there should be a way to know if you're getting a codex upgrade.... There is, there's the little icon on the top right of the item when you're talking to the blacksmith.
xelor2795: I'll be back to play when the price for the expansion goes down there is no way im paying another 54$ taxes after spending 120$ 1 year ago
Huhgundai399: These games are 1000000x better when you make your own builds and experiment on your own. The ONLY people who ever complain about Diablo 4 being terrible are streamers and people who play 23 hours a day and finish the content in 2 and half days. The rest of us are having a blast with the game
Stross8: My only concern is the price 10$ less the the bass game for 1 act and 1 class is way to much in my opinion. But im happy ppl have fun with it just not for me anymore im content myself with d3 season when they come out .
adriaandavel9540: This game design meta of the new thing being overpowered, then nerfed in the next release to make space for the next overpowered thing needs to stop. It is toxic to the longevity of games. And I don't mean overpowered due to bugs, grossly overpowered by design. Months before release Rod Ferguson as asked if Spiritborn will be overpowered on release and he said "Oh yeah, it will be overpowered" with a grin on his face.
maximilianmeier1441: Sorry, but the bad reviews are not just hate. If the game was good for most players then there would be more positive reviews. On Steam the game has to compete against other games and what they provide for the asking price.
In my opinion (as a Season 4/5 enjoyer) VoH is very mid. The new features are all very boring and there is still too much RNG and too little QoL in the game. Examples are as follows:
Missing QoL: Bricking items still possible, "Sell all" button still missing, Map Progress not realm wide, Filling Codex of Power now insanely hard, No auction house
Too much RNG: Tempering (nothing really changed), Masterworking, Rune rerolling and no option to target farm, Enchanting
New features: Mercenaries feel like they don't do anything, Dark Citadel already boring when playing through the 2nd wing, Kurast Undercity is okay at best (very repetitive)

By seeing so many people celebrating the expansion for these things I know now that it is time to move on for me. Blizzard will see this feedback and be like: "Ah..., good enough for these players"
tchahin: I just think the price of VoH is not worth, for a Spiritborn class that uses the very same skill animation resources that Monk in D3.
A lot of visuals, effects, monsters, objects in scenario, comes from D3 directly.
They didnt even try to hide.
Such a lazy job by Blizzard.
moyga: It's not really surprising that people who already liked the game as it was also like the expansion. The other people all quit and got filtered out already.

The gameplay has improved since launch but the game was very undercooked at launch. The expansion story was terrible and not much innovation has been added. Still so much poor UI design and missing key features.
TobiasSherman: I hate to be negative, but I think the metacritic user reviews nail it. Campaign was yawn, but the writing has been bad for a long time. I had fun with Spiritborn for a bit, but my heart just isn't into it anymore. I can't put my finger on it, it's like I keep waiting for it to get fun..
yimb8437: Blizz effectively gated those who didn't buy the $40 expansion right out of their future player base. They enticed people to buy it by making the new character overpowered and adding some pay to play mechanics (runes and mercs). Anyone one who didn't buy it has zero chance of playing competitively. This is fine for an MMO, where an MMO expansion effectively releases a whole new game every year. D4 did not. It just left me disgusted. My brother bought the expansion and has already reverted back to playing Satisfactory and Rocket League. He called D4's expansion "meh". It also sucked for him because very few of his friends bought the expansion, so "raiding" with them wasn't an option. Now we are both just looking forward to POE2's release. There I feel like I get my money's worth. I can see what I am paying for (if I even choose to) and genuinely benefit if I choose to spend significant dollars on it. The best part? None of it is Pay to Win. I am happy that many are finding D4's expansion fun. I just think Blizz's approach was poor at best given the state of their game at expansion time.
PandaPowerable: There are so many games out there. Why on earth do people play games they don't enjoy!
penguindrummaster: My solution to the Codex problem is to make every salvage of an aspect count towards an upgrade. I'm not sure if it should be a geometric sequence (a single multiple maps the curve) or if it should be a power curve (growth rate slows, i.e. 1, 10, 14, 17, 19, 20), but the idea is simple:

Each aspect salvaged adds to an XP bar. Higher levels provide more progress. An over-level aspect automatically sets it to that level.

If we imagine a 21-tier aspect, then the growth should probably be something small, like double. This means salvaging 1-million low-level aspects could net you the highest roll. Or, of we consider the current 16/21 problem, those last 5 tiers could be had by salvaging 32 items with a 16/21. Realistically you won't get that many semi-perfect rolls, so we'd likely expect needing to salvage ~100 random rolls of that aspect.

Then, on something with a short progress, like 1 to 5, then probably a 10x increase per tier would be warranted. The worst case is 10,000 tier-1's to max out, but realistically, you would expect a majority of 2/5 and 3/5, in a Zipfian distribution. Polynomial math isn't really something I can easily map in my mind, but it would likely be in the ballpark of 100 random rolls to max it.
locutos8397: I'm still waiting for a reasonable price to even try the base game, and now they want me to pay double for 5 more hours of story? I'm good.
pierrepellerin249: Here's the truth, take the best spiritborn attack and reduce it by 99%. Now take that 1% and reduce it by another 99%. Your spiritborn is now a rogue or druid or barb...
MichaelLongshanks: I just crashed listening to this video at the exact part he talks about never experiencing so many freezes and crashes before. Now that's classic.
badass197: I like the pace, don’t have the time due to kids and life but the changes makes it really fun. Enjoying it.
kainplays: Casual player here,
Haven't played since season 2,

I am LOVING it right now.
Didn't feel like there was enough to do back then and now there's PLENTY of things to do.
CookCaramier: I hate HATE corporate greed. The big game companies, EA Ubi 2K Acti etc. and their high position business managers can go to hell. But, when a game is fun, I'd give credit where it's due. D4 is fun as hell, pun intended. Personally, I truly believe people who are shitting on the games are doing it just for the fuck of it.

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