cderry: Just a quick callout that it’s “Penitent” and not “Pentinent”.
mischievous7129: They really out here gouging us whilst RNGesus sleeps. smh
ephan80: So durial or zir?!?
AngryNorwegianFisherman: Pen-i-tent greaves
____GoMeZ____: Hows your grail going dude?!?!? Any 4 GA uniques found yet? I've yet to find any
PorAtreides: P E N I T E N T
YamashitaPhilippines: thats how boring the game
JamieElliott-o3k: Two days ago, I managed to get Doombringer, Andy's, and a Shako. It took about an hour of tormented Grigoire.
Anfa18: 6 mythic uniques in 100 runs. I'm estimating i've done roughly 80ish Duriel/Zir runs this season and i've only managed 2.
zyllince: Yesterday i joined a 5x rota, and first rota i got tyraels might and andariels visage, luckiest day ever