1990maming: The performance of the designer is quite consistent. He basically worked on both S3 and S5. One suggestion for him: quit your job
LordChaiinsaw: Barb doing way too much damage "BARBILLION NEW BUILD'
any other class
Frostylaroo: Dammit Rob I am trying to compile footage for a season 5 PTR video, and you keep on making content I have to watch... I cant keep up... however for real keep on going dude, ill have a lot to work with!!! LOGIN!!!
meetdevonplays: Hitting for 1 billion with death blow is not underperforming dude. You kill me with this crap when other classes outside of “Bugs” can’t hit for 1 billion on any build smh.
The_Wanderer1: Druid in general is still painfully underperforming. Please let the devs know the Druid is still the worst performing class.
alexjakobsson1171: Rob doin metric tons of barbilion damage on barb and evrything is fine, other classes start doin some billion damage and rob goes ohh hell no balance is wacked >D
Eas_the_Planeswalker: Even less build diversity... they need to add temper buckets for core skills (not offensive but weapons) so core skills can run crit dmg and something else useful like you can with bash or dust devils. Eg HotA size incr, HotA dmg, HotA cost reduction etc. Would also be a way to add some nice popping effects like we see in PoE. Eg HotA kills explode dealing x% dmg
HakujooX: With the season being shortened seems like it's just better to wait for the expansion and season 6.
MrMSieben: Barb has been hitting for BILLIONS for 2 seasons. Let's call a spade a spade and let other classes hit for billions without calling it "a bug". If they are "bugged", then barb has been "bugged" for 2 seasons and they keep buffing them.
tby89: RIP Bash Barb!
KoGMknight: Hota barb nerfed, now bash barb, the only barb I have left that's worth a shit is my ww barb.