marionastasi1771: The planner shows the build planner was updated on August 29th. What would be helpful is for a section of the planner to tell us what was updated - a piece of equipment, temper or Mastercraft, skill tree, or paragon board. This should be noted even if it was a really minor change. Thank you for this terrific build!
unknownknowable: LMAO at the 0.001 secs boss kill and abrupt video ending.
great job.
thoriig3887: This is the Way
SolvingTheMoneyProblem: Absolutely insane commitment and execution. Best in the world, by far.
alexanderfridman5636: Great.Very interesting.
Pleae, make a full breakdown video for the updated build.
TheeGreatX: That abrupt end...clipped off the part when u went "Yesss!!!" Intense and amazing clear tho!
somyung1991: I salute you, that was incredible. I would’ve been shaking if it was me playing that hard and with only 2 potions left at the end.
xfile815: Amazing!! The timing is breathtaking
rozroux: Holy shit that was intense haha
aphrorox: INCENSE
barbupanaitescu8508: The number one Sorc guy on the planet, well done on the 158 and thank you for the awesome build guides. I can’t wait to see what you come up with in the expansion.