Dan-cw8rq: I was absolutely not going to play this season in Diablo. They really have not made me happy. I found you during once human and I guess I’ll probably play this season since I like your content. I’m not excited about it. lol
smuchapreciated1959: I'm gonna start lightning spear!
festgnob: SSF player here that can't grind endless hours every day, first video I need Is a simple build that can solo tormented bosses to get mythic uniques tux pwny
marcussmith6507: Huge thanks
xxlarsongaxx: Which class will you play ?
gr4692: Ohh man i jus got the 4th spark and rly dont know what my first uber should be... any help???
AdrielAviles: best general leveling guide for diablo 4 season 5. thanks!
toddfolmsbee2429: I made a minion necro last season that could solo 109 pits and was a shadow corpse hybrid that was anything but lazy was fun and tanky
Touchin-Grass: Chain lightning sorc for leveling and then switching to Fireball or Forb/hydra.
dfillio8993: That reward track unfortunately is probly gna be the same as last season where every single reward cashe is 100% useless except for the last 2