SMoKe-_-024: Gem fragments are my current block. Any suggestions @Rob
deathlord7918: had no idea there was a Veiled Crystal bottle having a problem with Artificer's Stones
N8_Mitchinson: Unlimited Eater. Man Karen let herself go.
evanwater3633: holy shit. why did the make the female druid look so bad lul. would never
rra92x: Must be hard creating content for a game so trivial... veiled crystal problems? kekw
GrimSRT8: Isn’t part of the problem that you are not picking up non-Ancestral gear and breaking it down?
theodoreandannajoseph3288: Thanks a million for this. The questline "In the Name of the Tree" works too. Average about 1k to 1.5k per run.
BreeceBennett: I was just master working my sorc, spent 25k on my boots and was thinking damn how do I get more, then I see a notification for this video haha
MrLove-666: Season is done; never had any issues wih Veiled crystals..
I just wish starting Torment1 that Whites, Blues and Yellows were ACTUALLY SALVAGE as they claim it would be.
machaze: Farming 1hr in green zone naturally during 2x cache event nets 10k crystal vs cheesing penitent yikes blizz
pHuzi0n: My block is a desire to play. Without official leaderboards there isn't much motivation to push pits and there's no new bosses or other challenges.
joeivo911: I think with the way I play I never run out of most mats. The only stuff I tend to need is obsecite.
Fonkykane: Ist diese mission eine der season quest ? Ich habe diese bereits abgeschlossen welche Aktivität ist denn sonst die beste für die kristalle ?
scottle6: Can you do this in torment if you don’t do the main quest or only in penitent?
VitalieC: Why to farm? Is it a problem? I have 164k lol
anthonylloyd957: Rob... what the hell is that character lmao
MrLADeluxe: How to farm those heads?
MrLAVAKIVAKA7: Bruh what Character is that??
NickArnoldld: Wenn ich für jedes Mal, wenn wir über dieses Video gelacht haben, einen Rubel bekommen hätte, wäre ich jetzt reich