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New Mini Dungeon Drastic Changes Season 5 Diablo 4 will be WILD!

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New Mini Dungeon Drastic Changes Season 5 Diablo 4 will be WILD!

Aug 04 2024

KL-lt8rc: Eh, okay. I kind of like leveling though. You actually feel like you're making steady progress versus killing thousands of monsters to find an item that's 2% better than what you already have.
thelupishow: The changes sound great. I think I'm starting with Rogue....Heartseeker with Shako and starless skies is going to be a killer
JustinBlazeDraxx: With the 200% attck damage sword of Verathiel. (They reduced it from 300% damage to 200% note is a new item in season 5 I believe.)
Might run Grandfather as a replacement with it's buffs instead.
Or a off-hand with chance to cast frost shard for more damage.
Basic attack Sorc with stun % on hit for electric damage to proc.
Then going for 4 attacks per second. (50% for ice shard to cast twice min.)
LandonMcDonald-c5m: I have never had a problem with angelbreath
ThreeBelowZero: I will rush the spark farm to get Andariel's as soon as possible and try to create as much variants as I can with that helm. I simply loved lucky hit mechanics paired with Andariel's this season.
donny95: the reason i stopped playing is because of drop rate being so damn bad for some of us and others just sailing throughit like itis nothing gettting everything there is
dfillio8993: Real question though are the rewards from that leveling track actually going to be good this season? Or is it gna be the same as season 4 where every one of them other than the last 2 contain a bunch of useless garbage
rebjorn79: They're slowly but surely taking away any remnant of the joy of leveling up. That journey has value in itself if implemented correctly - Diablo 2 does that. Diablo 3 ruined it just like they're doing with D4. I'm not saying that D3 and D4 is bad, they're in fact enjoyable in their own rights but they'll simply never measure up to Diablo 2, because they're trying too much, while D2 found the perfect balance.
fadx76: s5 looking great!!
Sternreign: For leveling an alt with Grandfather. Would Barb be better than Necro?

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