Thorgrimn: Stopped playing D4 but I always found Adam to be straightforward and down to earth. Hope he finds his next adventure.
icarusgeo: I keep thinking about all the players complaining because D4 is mediocre by design, but it occurs to me that the ones who suffer most aren’t the players—it’s the talented devs like Adam who want to create something truly epic but aren’t allowed to.
simonwest6002: Crazy how Rod still has a job
NeCoNLive: The campfires with Adam Jackson have always been my favorite campfires!
TtoTheRock: Who knows if it will be good or bad for Diablo IV. He worked there for 15 years. Maybe he was ready for the next phase of his career. Fresh ideas may end up being good for the game. Good luck to Adam.
kaylemain2006: That was the only guy with an idea of how ARPGs operate, the only guy I thought knew what he was talking about during streams.
CharltonHoward: He got hired by GGG and is moving to NZ
Mirrari: The words he chose makes me think he left not on good terms. Honestly for the far future this is the best. Blizzard management should get the biggest shock possible in order to set things right
Leodigarius: Diablo is no longer Diablo. Diablo 4 has proven they arent capable of doing anything of value and the franchise is dead in all but forcing the name on things.
DánielBenyó: biggest oof of D4 so far, haven't even installed the game for this season...
bobbymcwilliams8405: How do you know that he’s not gone because of the Diablo 4 disappointments? We are assuming that he’s responsible for all the good things and none of the bad things.
MoonDweller1337: 15 years is really long time at a tech / entertainment company.
robertcolby7588: D4 has failed since launch
joshcarel8761: I Can’t blame him for leaving since clearly management wants to go more and more into a casual direction with the game. We didn’t see Colin in the latest live stream either so I wonder if he will be on the team in the near future.
th3orist: Basically the guy that seemed the most competent out of everyone who has been in front of the camera since launch is gone. Not good news. Would be kinda funny if he is now at GGG.
Jizzlewobbwtfcus: "It's incredibly bittersweet to close this door"
robert900222: It is sad that after playing a month of half cooked Poe 2(and still lot to do) I was done with this D4 season in a couple days.
I wonder looking at this tendency if we ever get a good and fun endgame for D4 or we will stuck this super casual 1 week max seasons and one dlc per year.
paulwest3905: The handwriting has been on the major studio walls for a while now; the best creatives are leaving the AAA world with its "too many chiefs" and meetings for greener pastures. Can't say I am surprised. The good news is the number of small independent studios gathering all these folks and making better games. It does stink, but it is a good thing for the industry in the long run.
evan5863: I played d4 off and on as a primary poe enjoyer but I always respected Adam Jackson for how he talked about the game. Out of the Blizzard Entertainment devs he has stood out the most as a well spoken, prepared, and very knowledgeable dev. I cannot say the same for many of the other Blizzard Entertainment devs and some that I have been seeing conduct the campfires as of recently. I think this seals the deal as season 7 being my last one. Maybe if there is some insane season, and/or mechanic that gets introduced later ill hop back in d4.
Ownz9999: since the balancing has been amazing so far... how we even know or judge how good his work was, furthermore the circumstances why he left the company. So stupid to judge it from an outside perspective in my opinion.
Tobez: duuuuuude. That is a HUUUUUGE loss for the D4 team. He was the only reason I stuck with the game at first because he seemed like one of the few people on the team who actually knew what was going on with the game.
bobothebob4716: I may fundamentally disagree with almost every non-art related d4 decision, but I still wish him the best. Hopefully he got a sweet offer somewhere good.
jefflutz5240: wouldnt he also be behind what is bad about diablo also?
lobizonxp: The good news is that I've left the game just on Vessel of Hated release. I live in Argentina, cant afford their cashgrabbing madness anymore!
SabineWren-tx1uq: I love D4 and wish him well
kevinsoga434: He wanted to give more and Blizzard said "in the expansion" or "nope". 100%
farkastamas1982: So many nails in D4’s coffin you can summon an iron golem from it. Thank you for your work mr. Jackson!