Numen1337: Thank god we had the stat squish
RobetZyarde: I'm 咸鱼小罗. Thank you for sharing. Hope they buff the value of this keystone after the fix and buff other barb core skills as well. It's hard to find a good way to scale up barb's dmg.
Always_Rogue: I don't think this build will be that great considering Rob can't even kill the training dummies with it..
Pyromaniac2k9: Rogue: I am the KING with 10 million damage buffed victimize passive
Barb smiles at rogue: "Puny King" and starts spinning to infinite damage
lordxR3C0N: Why is something like the infinity symbol programmed into the game if they don’t want us to hit numbers that big
CurtisD1986: Rob: This is not way going to make it into the live game.
Blizzard: hold my beer
NamNguyen-lr6sk: This shit ain’t whirlwind, it’s fucking whirlhurricane
Brigade069: This is why we have a ptr.
d4mephisto: Barbillions
n1ghtofthedead411: Infinity and beyond : how blizzard decreased the damage numbers.
jobi2803: Squishing the dmg numbers to an infinity sign is what they meant by stat squich. Really glad we have readable dmg numbers now and blizzard listens to us.
DanielgunKim: Barb has become Buzz Lightyear. To infinity and beyond!!