VK-el3of: Knowing blizzard, the mercerenaries will be pretty boring - adds 10% more help, 10% more cr, 10% atk speed. 10% more health.
mickpratt8327: Heres an idea. Since Blizzard has crapped on Sorcs so long, why not make them mercenaries for the classes they care about.
Ellyark: the main thing that mercenaries really need to be good is to be able to contribute summoning materials for solo boss farming
InfoRanker: Always hated followers. Bad change
js3858: Or Blizzard could give better benefits to encourage playing with other people...
nonope4072: I'm excited to see some interesting changes
IRoN0RE: would be nice if that had inventory tabs.
Jayco2855: Meh. Are you actually hyped for Mercenaries? No offense if you are, just curious. I don't give a damn.
sneakytails1724: Why would I hire a mercenary in d4 when I could play one in poe2?
lucascosta7059: DUDE, POE 2 will eat diablo 4 alive. And im sad asf cuz i love Diablo but, shame on D4
bensen6299: wow more boring endgame , after 4 weeks Druid and no uber Unique or Harle etc, fuck this Game