immortalvaash: Maybe it’s just me. But I can’t understand at all.
kingcrabb5675: Tempering needs option to accept new roll or keep one you had. Without that, tempering bricks as much gear as it improves.
sometimes...icomment7456: For those still confused: I think the title may be better as "we finally know how masterworking increases ' skill' affixes on items". Basically, the table shows when your items will actually gain a 1 or 2 to a skill affix when masterworking.
So like, if you have a 3 passive skill on your amulet, using the table, you can determine if its worth it or not to try to get all 3 of you large 25% increase upgrades (masterwork crits) on the skill affix or settle for 1 or 2 crits and let the others fall onto another affix like damage % or whatever you like best for your build/items.
The info/table is just to help you be more efficient with your mats and really min/maxing your gear.
gamblefurakagamblade9966: When says Masterworking CRIT, he means the 4th ,8th and 12th upgrade when Masterworking.
dfillio8993: After reseting a weapon mw like 8 or 9 times and getting the same two mw crits every time I gave up and now I just leave it on whatever it hits on
Evilwombat: Hopefully Raxx makes a video on this, because I have no idea what Wudi is saying
des_47: How did know one realise this?
It’s basically the original system spread out over 12 ranks RNG for 3x big procs
DaxRaider: the title may be better as "we finally know how masterworking increases ' skill' affixes on items".
janpesek4862: That behavior on unique items need to be changed so every crit brings some benefit. It is crazy that winning a jackpot, ie. hitting crit twice on a skill, just does not give you anything in return.
oKeldeo: watches video
Lordo1010: I did some testing myself and found out, that Masterworking is calculated from the base - non GA - value of a given affix.
Unique example: i have a Butcher's Cleaver with a GA on Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies, value is: 31.5% * 1.5 = 47.3% (difference of 15.8%)
When i upgraded the weapon to ranks 1, 2 and 3, i got the following values: Rank 1 - 48.8%; Rank 2 - 50.4%; Rank 3 - 52.0%
This means, that the 5% Masterworking upgrade is calculated from the base value of 31.5% and NOT the GA affix's 47.3%
Here is the calculation: 31.5% * 1.05 = 33.07% 15.8% = 48.87% (item shows 48.8%)
If you now start with the GA value of 47.3% and add Masterworking, the results would be: 47.3% * 1.05 = 49.6% for Rank 1, 52% for Rank 2 and 54.4% for Rank 3.
Legendary example: pants GA on Maximum Life: 1310 (base value of 873 * 1.5)
Masterworking resulted in the following values: Rank 1 - 1353, Rank 2 - 1397 and Rank 3 - 1441.
Here too, the 5% Masterworking is calculated from the base value of 873 (873 * 0.05 = 43.6 - differences after each Masterworking upgrade)
and the 50% bonus from the GA is simply added at the end.
This brings me to the conclusion, that a greater afiix is just one bucket of a given affix.
And maybe thats the reason, why values are often not what we expect especially on X to a skill.
Sorry if all this was already known, it was new to me though.
slabulous00: Im disillusioned with this system, i want to push, but you really need to upgrade one stat (i.e ranks to bash) but the rng of it and massive time and resource investment puts me off.