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Diablo 4 THE NEW

Oct 29 2024

inflatablefish921: what I really hate is that they released a new mythic weapon specifically for the spiritborn and it just can't compete with Kepeleke Midnight Sun
lchn12345678: i feel like all the spiritborn builds in the s tier should all just be made into one build called kepeleke midnight sun spiritborn or something
m.u.4074: to be fair, spiritborn is S tier, rest is D to F, adding a new tier is not real
icebear3110: Why don't just call the builds "Kepeleke"? It's literally the same build, they just change the core skill
Dogtorbox: The simplest solution is to remove all caps from the other classes for the rest of the season. If S B can scale damage infinitely, then let sorc have 50 conjugations again, revert victimize, etc.
BingBangPoe: Could've made it as "SB" tier, standing for "Super Bugged".
adamnowicki1425: People were saying sorc was op in s5 because it was 10 pit tiers ahead of others, spiritborn is like hold my beer
shagohodds: honestly this really sux. They should balance this as soon as possible but they let it run. 90% of the server plays spiritborn and everyone else is an idiot (i'm one of the idiots)
JerBuster77: So when they eventually release the Paladin they will have to create the S tier.
nilpointfive: Spiritborn 4: including 4 other peasant classes to reassure you that no, you’re not crazy, spiritborn really is that op
eggspr: Actually Spirit Born isn’t OP bc of bugs. It’s OP because Blizzard wants people to buy the expansion. Those “bugs” were intentional
rickfowler273: I love Spirit Born. I do wish every Class had at least one S Tier Build. Might not be the Builds I like the most but I’ll take any of them. Got to try and clear Pit 100 with a Rogue now.
Utahjazz-uh9fm: Make a non bugged spirit borne. Or cover other classes please
bonelessthincrust: Remove the internal cooldown on victimize ffs. Why does that even exist? Meanwhile spiritborns 100 paragon lower than me are doing literally ONE HUNDRED TIMES my damage.

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