foureight84: Twisting blades 5.0 with this ultimate.
KaptainKhaos70: broke the game already Wudi
p7755fn: Rogues, sorcs, and druids looking this
StillWeRide: its a monk / witch 2 fave d3 classesso hyped
MAYBE_4EV3R: Lol thats insane! the spirit born seems like the omni class, I dont see how anyone would want to play any other class. its like out of the box OP broken
d4mephisto: It's cool they finally put Monks into D4. Now we just need Paladins.
JohnDoe-ld8nr: aaaaaand nerfed
StillWeRide: so sick!!! my new main. monk is back
la7era1u54: Incoming nerf
MitsisChris: can you plz inform them ( if u kinda agree ) that we do NOT need big numbers milions/bilions for dmg ..or hilarius big multypliers ( like 80% crit dmg ) , and game will be better if we did like 4 to 10 thousands ? so once we get an upgrade we can actually see it ? cause item numbers and dmg looks like an afk arena phone game.