kwazipeters4698: I have to be honest, not sue i can play d4 since I've been exposed to poe 2.
hdeodh: This will be 3-4 weeks of content before people get bored and play something else. .... Just in time for Monster Hunter Wilds
absolutfx: Im super hyped for the new season. I'm sure I'll play for 2 or 3 weeks and return to PoE2, we are super lucky having great arpgs at the moment.
michaelderouen8144: They fucked up minion builds before it even got started. Classic Blizzard...
mwkrenn: I'll give it a try again... ;)
M4RTN11: 5 days content at it best…
trippy2938: I’ll give it a try if I can put down poe2. Nearly forgot about Diablo for a month.
pawe3489: rip game no thanks
visualcreativemt: Diablo: I just want to know…. When am I going to be in my own game?
techcat7318: D4 is a good game but it has to be much better to justify its price.Too damn expensive for such mediocre content.
dlbarnes: Boy, developers change when that belt-to-ass happens. Now you buff reimagine everything to get players back. See, competition is good and keeps you on your toes. Overwatch is coming next
Doleis: I am not playing this game anymore! Poe 2 BETTER! I NEVER GET BORED!
VatoRob: what i like abour this channel is that they get straight to the point. Here are are builds. have fun. even if some other creators may critizize and there may be optimization for what is presented sometimes, it's fast and enthusiastically delivered
sephirian688: I’m excited to try out the new Shred stuff, especially with False death and waxing.
b.a.r.gaming2124: Josh make some ball lightning builds my main man
JoblessBuhdda: Ok what’s the big warning????
yagamisnote: Diablo had kind of fallen off my radar due to poe chan, but i wont lie, im kinda looking forward to a week or two of diablo goodness. thanks for reminding me this existed guys!
Dzugoslav: Anyone knows whether aspect of reaping aspect for necro can benefit from double reap dmg temper?
garywayne123: Im ready for this. By the time i get to play yall willl have all the things figured out.
indysrebel5181: If by huge you mean a season 2 reskin then yes it’s huge… D4 is dead now that POE2 is early access is out.
remigielis: Im back to D4, not a huge fan of poe2…at least until fully released
Not____Applicable: Honestly im just playing this cause why not but im so done with arpg communities especially Poe 2s. I can’t stand anybody and that one dev that looks like the cross breeding of a mouse and a gnome pisses me off with his smug attitude and existence.
darkkingrikux: They better learn from poe 2 better endgame idk how a f2p game is doing a better job then a game that has history behind it they need better people on the team if things are ever going to be different
Chris-vm3ym: Who cares d4 is crap compared to Poe 2.
renzoescobar5: Boring .....any news of po2 patch?
Hemskelol: Diablo 4 lmao, sellout channel