jetman8856: *Sad Rob noises
viktorstorelv: With all the crazy roguebuilds, they have to make an armory soon to swap builds easy!
Complication84: So world bosses won't be "harder" they will just be forced to live a bit longer. Also, making main stats scale better for necro/sorc changes nothing. It is the fact that barbs get more aspects and two slots that have 2 handed weapon scaling %'s. How the hell does Blizzard not realize this?
Torguish: Im all in for the barb nerfs in theory. But they missed the mark so hard its actually funny. Gushing Wounds nuke was warranted but unbridled fury? ":D" That's the keypassive that made other non-broken builds viable (along with GW.) They effectively pidgeonholed barbarians into bash / flay now. My god.
bp9629: Way overtuned for what? Did the bosses cry on the forums and say the barbs were bullying them too much?
MaxLabelle-x7p: Add second amulet to Wizards to makes things fair!!!
nuke_looter5174: Nothing in this game is over tuned let alone way way way over tuned. Can’t be over tuned if 3 out of 5 “meta” builds can’t do the top end of the endgame content and that’s with unrealistic gear and stat rolls for 98% of the players and the season is about over.
chaddrusso8850: Definitely skipping this season all the crybabies got what they wanted, have fun playing with 40-60% less of the player base.
luminaura3000: First season i played a barb, super fun but S5 will take a nice big dump on that. Thanks Blizz
Chomp96: In the end, as almost every time, the barb at the start of a new season look heavily nerfed, and at the end of the same season in some ways end up being the strongest class, that’s the barb magic, or the barb innate overpower system, call as you prefer, let’s see
kozadactyl660: Flickerstep, word of Hakan, and rain of arrows/arrow storm will be fun. At least I hope it will be