robb4566: finally long awaited nerf to sorc, at this point just make sorc attach themselves to necro minions as one of the mages
Saiyan4658: Barbs seem to be the overall winner almost every season....go figure
profabeatz2252: At this point the game should be called BARBABLO 4!!!
specialorder9379: The best build for Sorc requires them to stand next to a Barb…
fejr89: so ... shitting on sorc continues
gheranyarramansteel5608: Blizzard HQ: Barb seems OP, lets nerf Sorcs, Rogues, Necros and Druids.
Dev Team: Ahhh, and what about the Barbs?
Blizzard HQ: Buff em.
calvingoh9321: I love how the devs keep saying Barbs are op and would like to bufff other classes to keep them in line but keep nerfing them to oblivion.
EliaBombardelli: The Sorc situation is embarassing. Ice Shards and all the other core skills need a huge buff and also a lot of aspects and legendaries need to be upgraded in order to make the class at least viable
Chomp96: Blizzard: Let’s cap some multiplayer for necro and sorc
players: and the barb bleed ultimate passive that give billion of damage?
Blizzard: that is fine
CityBelowtheSea: Call me tinfoil hat but I bet Barb and Rogue cosmetics sell and Sorc/Druid don't. Why? Beauty in Sin set for Rogue and Barb having a lot of badass looking sets. Meanwhile, how often have you heard people complain that male Sorc outfits are awful and people complain about Druids appearance in general? If you don't think this is absolutely a factor then you don't work in business.
KingDJ524: Again we need to literally force the lead devs to play only sorc
asolram: As a Sorc only player, looks like S5 will be a skip (another), no biggie, many other good games out there plus PoE2 early access coming soon. Hopefully Devs will listen to feedback from Sorcs in PTR and some things will change.
BaronessStrange: Well.. I guess I wil continue to stick with Rogue until they decide to lift sorc out of the shitter.
AnatoleVGC: Thank god you are talking about it. That way maybe devs will listen. Its INSANE how sorcs just got nerfed again. "We hear you sorcs ans druiss!" - NERFS