LmyBs: Defense caps = good. Offensive caps = bad
ADDeeJay: Sorc has like 6 different caps at this point. This game is fucking stupid.
jabari7158: It feel weird to cap thunderstruck for Druids when thunder is notorious for struggling against bosses, why cap a build that’s mainly for density farming ?
Frozty: Blizzard's insistence on making the game as not-fun as possible is really paving the way for PoE2 to come in and steal literally every remaining ARPG player.
Trapinnewyork44: After the big nerf the Devs still didn't learn from their mistakes, they are still doing big nerfs just slowly instead of one big nerf
Martin444444444: Caps or no caps, everyone is already running the same builds. Once meta is established most go for it.
brians48now: I was on the fence with season 5. This just pushed me over.
txhookey5608: Sometimes it seems like Diablo 4 treats seasons like the full game. If someone wants to spend 12 hours a day blasting the season, let them be turbo powerful. If someone wants to play 4 or 5 hours a week, let them get to some end game content and possibly level up another alt. Season 4 was epic because you got the xp and gold bonus and even a casual could get 4 toons through the Iron Wolf campaign and get an Uber. I usually level one character to 100 each season then lose interest. Season 5 looks like they are offended by the full time blasters crushing end game content. They are full time blasters, they should be crushing end game content. The focus shouldn't be on making the game "more hard" through random reduced damage and raising the XP of bosses, the focus should be on balancing the classes and gameplay so that casuals can get a toon or two to 100 and have some end game success. The focus should be on something powerful and unique like the Iron Wolf campaign that rewards your time playing the game. The Odd seasons just can't seem to get it right. Let the casuals have some fun playing whatever class they want, let the blaster do trillions of damage, introduce something new, interesting, and fun. Stop being the fun police. It's a game. It's a season, it's not eternity, let it be a fun one.
SeriousBeard: It honestly feels like Blizzard is having a hard time figuring out how to balance classes so that they all have top DPS builds but can't figure out how. So instead they are hard capping everything that gets used as a way for top DPS builds now so that they are bringing them down to make them closer to the other lower tier DPS builds. This is the opposite of what they said they would do and it makes the game over all less fun to play. Blizzard, we want to be able and make crazy builds and every time we do you nerf or cap it so we can't anymore. It feels really bad.
Shakk404: Gg man…don’t think I’m playing s5 this was the icing on top.
Shawn-bo7sm: your soft cap idea sounds like a great compromise to harsh hard caps.