angelous8942: This is why the game needs a wardrobe function to swap paragon and skills. So many builds i want to try out but it is just so damn expensive and time consuming to switch builds
daboysmurf: Still waiting on Meteor
caxcorp: What is this madness and why do i feel like i need to make it RIGHT now
NapalmFr3d: Baby, we need more crackling energy and cow bell.
gav-5676: The enchantment effect of teleport doesn't give you Unstoppable. Won't this make Tibaults useless?
normanhaake4585: Next holy bolt build very good damage
maih600: I don't get why you're using hectic instead of bounding conduit, my build has it in neck for 3.6 seconds teleport cd reduction, but even in place of hectic it seems the better option
warzoneTR: so many new sorc builds i guess it's time to move on from meteor there is no hope :(
shahrezaDE: Oke.. I do tier 95 with your Blizzard build that i fine tuned to my wishes. Is it Worth for me to change?
GilgameshGDLK: Considered Esadora's amulet?