Saphire_Throated_Carpenter_Ant: Druid rocking that Covid build, unable to let anybody get within 6 feet...
rileymallobox9656: I love watching you guys make such cool builds!! It's thanks to last seasons blizzard build on sorc that got me back into the game. I'm currently trying to make another one for this season as well.
Wchristian09: I wonder what build will be on top? Definitely not Spiritborn.
HArryvajonas: It is hilarious that there was a stat/number squish and two weeks into the season characters are literally doing quintillions in damage.
GameHUB4k: Does anyone else crash every hour or is it just me ?
NoobMasterSSS: They need to add more flashy builds! Most of these look so dull. The evade eagle build was by far the most flashy and fun build, but it was a bug and didn’t last very long. What a shame! The most fun and flashy build in this entire game was because of a bug. How sad!!!
Oblivion262: As a Barb main....I'm fucking sad man. That's the only build that can push that high? It doesn't even look fun and looks extremely tedious
PhillyFreaks: So is your most recent sorcerer build still the best for its class? I been building up you arc lash build and I'm enjoying it, but if fireball is better I may do that one instead
Perspective233: Can we stop calling most of these bugs? It’s just the devs purposely didn’t put limits on any of these interactions and damage increases… they’ll slap on a up to 30% time next season like they always do… they let people have fun then nerf it
thewu910: You won't last 10 seconds trying these New Best Most Greatest Builds!
AugmentedDictatorGames: The fact that dance of knives isn't the best rogue build is a damned shame.