darkmessiah6359: As long as the build can beat pit 101 and kill torment bosses I’m good I don’t care about going higher in the pits.
skilledmic: Mekuna cleared pit 158 two days ago with Lightning Spear.
vapixdarmana4428: Just a piece of advice for leveling glyphs btw, DON'T do tier 40-50, do 90-100. Most classes can do that around level 80 and it'll take them the same amount of time for 3 times the glyph XP.
X1manwolfpackX: I've got to say, I'm not a rogue expert by any means as I've only played one this season and last, but I have to disagree about Andy barrage being their best build. Andy puncture does just as much damage if not more, is much easier to gear for, is far simpler to play and just feels like more fun to me. It's biggest weakness last season was having to rely on staggering bosses to do any real damage and, while staggering a boss does still give a massive damage increase, the damage per dark shroud shadow tempers also make it an absolute monster even without having to stagger first. I can get up to 1-3 billion damage poison ticks even outside of a stagger, then 3-5 billion in the stagger window. I know some of the ultra crazy mega optimized barrage variants are probably even higher, but again, that's not something most people are achieving while I was able to put together a 1 billion dmg per tick puncture variant the moment I got Andariel's.
christopherkappenman6435: my favorite build so far this season started as lightning spear but very quickly became boulder druid. The build flies through t8 hordes and destroys bosses just very cdr dependent
Saphire_Throated_Carpenter_Ant: I have a minion build that I'm almost ready to start tackling tier 7 with but it actually uses the minions to proc andariels and xfals.
FoxXxGaming74: A overhaul to gear drops would fix a lot.A player is more likely to play longer if they are having fun.
Vmcf1968: im loving my sorcs but blood surge necro is an absolute pleasure to pilot. i need to work my gear so i can get to higher teirs but my sorcs come first so...yeah
bluetoughguy: Been leveling a minion necro. It's been fun for what I do.
12deathguard: I kinda hate that to push endgame you need 2 mythics, 2 uniques, all tempered and master worked with ga's in the right spot and getting lucky on the stat rolls before and during each step of the process.