StudioGym24_7: Rogue -Sorc-Necro-Barb-Druid
Sternreign: Its Barb until PROVEN otherwise.
Last season a x instead of a proves that.
XcN3Retrogameplays: BARBARIAN AS ALWAYS...
that is why this game shall be named BARBARIAN 4
the most disgunting about this game is the NASTY NERFS to sorcerer sopecially increasing the already disgunting cooldown times...
the dev's mothers shall the only ones to play this damned crap of game!
JMCHN21: Really hope chain lightning is viable looks really cool
TheMarko23: I'm excited to try all the classes if fun factor is there. Haven't played since season two. Excited to try new mechanics and new toys to play with.
andrewskidmore9955: I don't understand why all of sudden second half of this season that caltrops is a must for Rogue builds.Every cc has it in their build.why?Can a Rogue build survive without caltrops?I love Rogue but I don't like caltrops.
frodofraggins: I disagree with your take on build creating/defining items. POE is super complex and adds lots of new build possibilities through new items. They can't keep adding nodes to the massive passive tree for stuff like that IMO. So no the class shouldn't have built in stuff for EVERY possible build imo. If it does, then it's a very simple game which is hard to expand.
gaurdin8793: i love how each class gets in depth and druid only gets "it has landslide"
hdeodh: I think I will start with sorc and get to WT4. Then i will build a rogue so i can level with a heartseeker. Maybe I will create a barb after
zZero93: I hope Bone Spear would be good.
Vmcf1968: yay!