TimoNausch: "If you dont remeber anything from the video, just tell Blizzard to go potie" - Raxx, 2024
ArtIsLifeninty: Desecrator one shots is not a fun mechanic.
assist_o.k.: I just wish everything else that spawned before the clock ran out, stayed on regardless like the Hellborne and leftover normals do. So annoying when a Spire or Elite or Mass disappears
MadsFeierskov: I completely agree with your comments about the invigorating hellborne. I was really surprised that all their boons were just about rewards.
In successful Rogue likes, the rewards tend to be secondary and the focus is on the ways to enhance your run. It's fine to have a reward instead of an enhancement, but it should then be a significant choice, because you could risk ruining your run if you choose the big reward.
I think they've painted themselves into a bit of a corner witg it being all or nothing in terms of rewards. It's super frustrating to waste 15 minutes with no rewards at all, so there is no incentive to make choices that have an actual risk.
Tinywars: That Council battle is sooooo tedious. Why is it needed?
liabakar: Blizzard go pottie, blizzard go pottie- Pottie ie Hellborne. I will remember that
snipercable: Great video again brother! There is also some odd thing that there is a slow spawn for several seconds at times and that is also annoying.
zayaslaya6417: You know it’s going to be good when rax breaks out paint
ErraticEclipse: Listen I'll take -1 Ather, But Remove All Desecrators. Please and Thank You
TheRAMBO9191: Makes sense! I wonder who sits down and say let's add movement speed at the round table at meetings. "Like yea Todd that's great idea"
sickofitall8486: Raxx, you have to be my favorite gamer. If there is any content in a game that we both play that can have a guide/tier list written for it, you always come through. Add to that how clearly you explain everything...
Thanks as always and keep on kicking ass.