Blubking1: I love how you say its almost bed time and the clock on the bottom right says 6am
oggybob9167: Man, these german bots are on every video
olegulanovskiy1792: Yeap, devs are really hating sorcs. Thats just sad. Adam should play F tier sorcs builds next season to understand what they did with class.
bub5842: these mfers hate druid. everything is just for companions??? wack
samwuzerehihi: What a joke. Other class gain 30-50% movement speed. Sorc - gain 5 to 30 movement speed. They really hate sorc.
NokMTG: Rogue has 8 new legendary powers and reworked skills. Druid got 4 and nerfs lol
Xhal123: So many of these are boring and don’t really create new builds.
la7era1u54: I was just thinking yesterday that Grandfather will probably get nerfed, but they doubled the crit damage instead... Mind blown
Jayco2855: Ahavarian was already my favourite Mythic Unique (Not when it comes to power, but gameplay fun) and to see it receive such a great buff is straight up awesome
Metallicahardrocker: Wow, sorc is absolutly lost. zero love and zero ideas from devs 4 sorc aspects. Unbelievable.