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Diablo 4 Expansion Leveling Difficulty Analysis

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Diablo 4 Expansion Leveling Difficulty Analysis

Sep 03 2024

savagy.: I like your tips and stuff but most of the time when im like 3 mins into the video I just get bored. Like there is no need to talk about how you did your rogue with lvl 1 gear. You know what im saying?
insomniaddictesp: I do miss the slower progression of the seasons, but I do have to say my friends play a lot more with how much faster it is now. My hope is that the pace becomes slower in the torment levels.

I like the paragon account level unlock as an incentive to make alts because I don’t do that right now, and while paragons are great to have, you still need to level the glyphs.
Mr_JMB: The other thing about the T3 and T4 is the armor and resistance penalties not discussed in the campfire but written in the patch notes. T4 has -1000 armor and -100% all res so you'll need 2k armor and 170% res to be capped. That's like 18k armor pre-nerf...
beingbeyonddat: I can already see the Torment 4 being completely unbalanced to the point that (as always) we'll have to go and look for the bugged class, build or item to actually being able to do it.
I have never liked the Pit push beyond 130 because it is just ''spam your skill for longer in front of enemies'' more than anything else. Now they will bring that non-sense to the entire world.
Yes, I saw the changes and no, I don't think Torment 4 will be fun, because we look for a fun AND rewarding experience. If it was only getting ''more rewards'' we would look for another actual job, you know?
CookaSoupNieceEH: I hope every season from now on isn't a total overhaul of everything, I hate it when I get used to something ,then suddenly everything gets invalidated.
MarvMarvensen: I think the devs pointed out the right problems in the campfire chat. But I am not sure if this will solve things.

My prediction is that T4 will be hard to reach maybe in the first season, and probably not even for the pro blasters.
Then players will cry that not everyone is running T4 on day 2, so Blizz will add power creep and make everything easier.
Then people will cry again that there is no challenge and we need more Torment tiers...
elp5000: Unless they do something with the gear drop system nothing will change. As a solo player every season I hit a wall with my character. I’m doing WT4 content, 110 pit, 100 NMD are a breeze, but with all of this I rarely get any 3GA gear to go any higher. And if I do the stats are garbage..
So there’s that..
PhrazeMuzik: In regards to the paragon board, we need to be able to invest multiple points into some nodes.
gefilte86: Diablo III 2
Johnnybsknees: I don't mind these changes but going forward i would rather see them introduce more systems like keys and mind cages to unlock the highest difficulty of content. If you get to the new torment 4 and still want a harder challenge let us modify gameplay instead of continuously adding torment tiers.

It feels good, learn from POE. Modifying the pit, tormented bosses, nightmare dungeons for the ultimate challenge is an exciting concept. Hordes did a somewhat good job of this and mind cages have been a huge success. Don't get too far away from that.
shinestar2912: Wudi will be in Torment IV in IV hours.

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