invoidx6182: WTB leaks 1B gold
SpoonMan999: It's weird that Blizard sent you my birthday present, you can just forward it to me though
bigdogang: Wait so yall get to play it first an make more content for the game but we still have to wait till the 8th ? What is this for more testing of the game ?
espguitarist13: Let's go! Stoked to hear your thoughts on it all and hopefully a cool spiritborn setup to blast the campaign and s6 haha
Equa1itype4ce: This is probably a big ask but a video pitching "How are the Paragon changes going to Add fun?". The current changes seem to be limiting in many way compared to older paragon which gives me and I'm sure other people concern. During the PTR ofc the initial gut reaction was "I hate this". I implore you to prove me wrong which I know you probably can since your smarter than me.
chrisbenson98: A full poison thorns build would be cool.
orangeduck474: Omg I can't wait to get my hand on the expansion. Gonna wait for some sick day0 rogue build from your channel.
kurtnordli1381: One thing to check out would be drop rates..... I'm hearing a lot of rumours that blizzard went 1 step forward and 2 steps back when it came to item drop rates, making it so we get WAY LESS loot, a loot based ARPG is supposed to make you feel rewarded for your efforts and if drop rates have truly been messed up it might kill the expansion if you could look into item drop rates that would be great info for the entire community.
dfillio8993: Unless they buff ancestral drops and revert the limitations for tempering and masterworking on regular legendaries this season is going to be a massive L. Which really is unfortunate considering the last 2 seasons were very good imo with s5 being the best season so far since release
drshoe7803: Can you shortly tell if your version already contains any Bugfixes from the PTR findings? I pretty much guess those fixes will be available not sooner than 8th of october.