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Diablo 4 CONFIRMED New BIG Sorcerer Nerfs Buffs Lightning Spear Frozen Or...

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Diablo 4 CONFIRMED New BIG Sorcerer Nerfs Buffs Lightning Spear Frozen Or...

Aug 17 2024

Wchristian09: Who at blizzard was bullied by a sorcerer in high school?
icarusgeo: This is a scandal! They had promised not to nerf seasonally overperforming builds, and here we are again! They never learn!
shadowblazze9247: Nerfs flat out piss me off not gonna sugar coat it. I'm old and I'm sick of them. They get me hyped for a build then nerf it. It already takes my old ass forever to put the shit together.
RicanFreekin71: Blizzard: Our game can't handle all the effects we put into our game, you get less effects for your game..
BTW make sure to buy our dlc for the price of a whole new game!!
Maesan90: Nerfs in ARPGs always leave a shit taste in my mouth. The whole point is to make funny numbers go up, and nerfs hinder that experience
Destructo209: Well it was a good run see you guys at season 6
fredrickbatesjr2710: People having fun?
Blizzard : OH FUCK no! -NERF
treyroy755: Here's a tip: Every season, get everything you want done within the first week or two before they nerf the fun. I'm glad i'm already done with the season, this would've felt bad.
justinroth1613: Getting really tired of investing in a class, getting excited about a build, just for it to get nerfed in the prime of the season. I'm getting less and less excited about starting new seasons
derrickgore3606: I think it’s so messed up when they do this man so we took our time building and building these builds so they can nerf what we did wow
Jak0vas: So they built an engine that can't cope with crazy looking builds like this.. shame
olivers6044: I found my GA cooldown winterglass last night and respected into this build. Played it for 10 minutes and woke up to find it got nerfed. NGL this kind sucks
rsrmayhem: Time to roll a rogue
Larannis: So they let barbs run wild over seasons yet they instantly nerf us into the ground
bmacy1028: Blizzard team... Hey did you see that the Sorc players are actually having a good time... Yeah.. well we can't have that now can we... Hit them with the Nerf...
reynardus1359: They nerfed rogues, I made a barb. They nerfed barbs, I made a sorcerer. Now this. I thought it felt different. I think I might quit.
Drevandj: I have tested, tier 99, same damage, same time for mobs and same time to kill the boss
Aridity12: It's a crazy heavy nerf. Very little arcing and If you're spec'd more into the Orb part you're definitely screwed, a lot less orbs. Comparing some of the footage before and after its massive, feels like the conjs are just not procing orbs lol
mr2ti41: Instead of nerfing due to performance issues.. how about making it so people can “disable” or lower other people’s effects?
mpetrie: Thankfully I'm still trying to create this build and never experienced the "god-tier" level version. So I won't notice a difference. I just need to achieve my cool down reduction so I don't have to keep relying on my frozen orb. My CDR is still gawdawfully slow.

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