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Diablo 4 CONFIRMED New Best Class GAME BREAKING Build Season 5 PTR Builds...

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Diablo 4 CONFIRMED New Best Class GAME BREAKING Build Season 5 PTR Builds...

Jul 03 2024

chrisbenson98: Honestly the whole flame shield thing doesn’t bother me it’s Ice Armor. It was working just fine and as intended. Kinda not a good decision.
steveozone4910: Can't we just test Necro, druid and sorc being able to use an off hand with 2 handers? Maybe give them their own special off hands, like druid has a totem? Maybe keep a focus for Sorcs and give necro's a skull or something?

Other slot ideas could be available for the other classes. Necro could have a specific slot for minion aspects etc. Same for Druids companions
shinestar2912: I think I'm done with the game. Nothing looks better in Season 5 except some quality of life changes. Endgame is boring. Class balance is broken. Time to play POE 2.
TBaggerofTBaggers: Blizzard has the worst reputation of balance classes, no matter the game they make. It’s so frustrating that some classes are always a bump on a log while others run around like Thor. I keep trying to make builds work on sorc that are fun but realize how weak they are when I log into my barbarian. Other game companies don’t have this issue to this extent. Makes me wonder if they do it on purpose.
bxcloud104: Just roll Barb, no matter how many buffs and bugs the other classes get. Blizzard will DM Rob about a hidden multipler and Barbs will do triple the damage of the other classes.
SponsoredbyPfizer: For me the tempering system has to be overhauled, it’s ruining the fun for me. It should be I choose the affix I want and then the rng should be in the value of the roll I get. Getting lucky enough to get a GA drop that works for my build and then instantly having it bricked through tempering system feels really bad. And no, I do not want a new material I can grind for to reset my masterworks. I want to instantly enjoy the rewards from my grinding, not instantly salvage the thing I wanted to use but the tempering system bricked it.
fateric007: Sounds like we need a lot of bug spray
kiftorres4903: Barbarian main always complaining about sorc lol, they should nerf barb, its to easy to use, even and idiot can use it , id its barb always good build but others always complaining bug lol
ruengaming2210: I think a way to "balance" barb out with affixes and tempering is simple. You have 4 weapons. But only 2 of those 4 weapons give off stats. The player can choose which slots of the 4 have the block on stats. This will deny the character from receiving any stats from those 2 items.
jonahsmith8595: Im really looking forward to the uniques for barb I haven't actually played barb past level 25 but I really liked steel grasp and I think it'd be a cool core skill

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