russchultz6312: Yeah, Runes are really rough this season. I've found 8 mythics so far on my Necro, gotten her up to Paragon 240, and I've found 2 Bac runes total if I want to craft False Death. I actually haven't gotten 6 of any legendary rune at all in that time. Getting 3xDoombringers and 3xStarless Skies doesn't do me much good, but neither does turning them into shards without the runes. Trading is horrible in the game, we badly need an auction house, I'm not using any 3rd party sites or logging in to type in trade chat constantly. We need a player friendly solution.
TheWolv69: They are not the rarest, 3GA and 4GA are the most rare. I get more Mythics than I do 3 and 4 GA’s on unique with good power rolls.
simeonlp: Couldn't agree more, its my biggest pain point, farming rare runes feels bad, i like to not HAVE to trade but if you want a specific unique you mostly have to
kb420ps: I have 146 hours in Season 7. Here are my Mythic drops: From Uber Bosses: 4 Doombringers, 1 Melted Heart, and 1 Shroud. From the Undercity, 1 Shako, and 1 Perdition. For me, it does feel like the drop rates are lower from the Uber bosses, but the Undercity is pretty good. I only had about 7 or 8 Mythic tributes, and that got me two Uniques, so that's actually really good.
justinsurpless4137: Amen on specific mythic crafting being limited to VoH owners... simply absurd! They should have left (4) sparks for a specific and (2) plus runes for a specific if you own VoH. Oh, and don't make the freakin runes rare as all bloody hell...
Darksh1n: You forgot to mention you cant target farm unqiues from obols vendor anymore it was a great way to get your build going early game, Obols are pretty much useless now.
Capthowdy098: 27 more days, and I will not be worried about mythic uniques
Landmine006: Runes are a nightmare this season, 6 BAC to craft a shroud?
draega570: Mythic crafting is definitely an example of where they took a thing that could easily have been improved or iterated on for the better, yet non-sensically made it worse and less accessible. Mistakes are cool, but sometimes it's difficult to see how an action was unintentional.
elchancho8432: I’m slowly starting to play other games
Seasonal activity literally puts me to sleep it isn’t fun and takes forever to rank up
They should go back to how it was in S2 to craft mythics
Kain9407: Couldn't care less about the "people who didn't buy the expansion" excuse. If you aren't going to keep up with the expansions you have no right to complain about mechanics leaving you behind.
armorvil: Question : is it because english isn't my first language that the author of the video is painful to listen to? I even tried to lower the speed of the video, thinking it's because he talks fast, but it didn't change anything. Maybe it's because he never pauses, like everything is one single long-ass sentence? I have no idea how he manages to breathe in the meantime lol. I'd appreciate if someone whose first language is English told me if they feel the same or if it's just me (I have no issues with other youtubers btw). Thank you.
NecroViolator: These devs are stupid as dirt.. They should put the Mythical BACK to the elder versions. Item Power 925 and put the stats BACK to the original stats from elder Seasons when they WERE STRONG and WORTH getting !!!.....
Zhuriq: i got lucky and dropped a 2GA shroud and random mythic crafted a 1ga heir of perd. felt pretty good for my bloodwave build
xanden1: Rune drop rate is hideous, why not add a mini Auction house just for runes, that would be fun and another mini game to play
szuszics: Yeah...good luck getting 6 BACs for a Shread....not happening...only for professional players...
draezele: The ideal system would be multiple paths. For example, a random mythic for 2 sparks and then either 2 runes (but maybe 2 legendary/4 rare/6 magic) OR 4 sparks for a specific unique. That gives both base and expansion players a way to craft a specific unique while also giving an option for whichever path is easier for a particular player.
dennisyounker1032: I crafted a 4GA Shroud today.. now I don't feel like playing since I have the single best item in the game.
Sometimes I wonder if there are insanely rare items that drop that the odds are so rare nobody has found one or even knows about. That would be a reason for me to keep playing.
flopsie2821: I found out that trading in the runes with the jeweler for a random rune was the fastest way for me to get some legendary runes
sizier: I watched a Content Creator kill Lilith last night, both he and his friend received 2 sparks for killing her.
I did it today on a whim with 3 others and we all only got 1 spark even though we killed her first try.
I have watched several Content Creators over the last several days get Mythics out the ying yang.
All I've gotten is Andariels Visage after at least 200 boss runs on T4.
These videos were all in the current season. I'm convinced Streamers and Content Creators get special treatment.
Mesoz: I think you can kind of hit the nail on the head towards the end. Having a good long term grind can be really good. But as you said there needs to be a interesting goal or a reason, and it needs to be fun as well. This is something D4 lacks, a lot of other arpgs have long term grinds, and these can be generally fun since during these grinds you are doing have you interacting with a myriad of other things and other mechanics, and these other systems and mechanics can be mixed and matched together, and offer alternate grinds while doing the other the other thing you are grinding for. D4 really doesn't have this, everything completely separate from one another. Even this season for example, the season mechanic is for the most part completely separate from everything else and entirely it's own thing, sure there are alters... but maxing witch powers doesn't take long and those alters lose all meaning. Hell after maxing witch powers and making the gems, the season mechanic loses it's meaning.
ricktilley2038: All blizzard keeps doing is adding new nails to their coffin for this game.
rickfowler273: Master Working, Boss runs, Pit for Glyphs, Pit pushing, all that has got so old and boring. Honestly they could scrap all this same stuff we’ve been doing since Season 4 and beyond and change up a lot of things. I’m having more fun just staying in a lower Tier difficulty and just running NMDs and not caring about anything.
spartakosspyrantis4630: rune drop rates are bad means crafting is bad being 220 paragon having full build missing one unique its hard to find a reason to play already
tommypham2550: I got 4 mythics all in one day, only farmed for about an hour not even kidding lol
ricktilley2038: Odds of drops stinks. I did 45 zir and 65 duriel and 35 andariel and didn’t get a single Uber
addictedtocookies9152: I want the set (green) items back.