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Blizzard fumbled Diablo 4 with this one..

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Blizzard fumbled Diablo 4 with this one..

Oct 18 2024

jktrader1817: Diablo needs a depressed, alcoholic writer that smokes 2 packs of cigarettes a day, not a woman that have a collection of Funko Pops and Crystals.
sevxone: I actually like it a lot, guess I'm weird?
Paahtis: You think you want more Blizzard games, but you don't.
bobenheimer3114: Diablo 4 without fighting Diablo and new Vessel of hatred without fighting Mephisto, what a game
ogxkryptonite: Uh oh. Blizzards last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last fumble
Tentorkel: Genius cause Blizzard IS the Vessel Of Hatred at this point
gregor0088: Unpopular opinion: Blizzard never understood Diablo. They bought the labor of a dedicated and fundamentally different developer group, then watched them all walk after the release of D2 because Blizzard fucked them. BlizzVivenActivisiCon has been riding the corpse ever since, milking it for micro-transactions and the fucking stupid real money AH.
Dimas_Lopes: Diablo 1: Save your hometown.
Diablo 2: Save the World.
Diablo 3: Save the World, Heaven and Hell.
Diablo 4: Save your wallet.
aeonstar293: Blue haired incompetent devs write blue haired incompetent story.

A tale as old as time.
ThudRex: This dude looks like a normal sized Peter Dinklage.
ecks0071: This should have been a free update.
PlagueDoctorIsIn: Its scary that shit has gotten so bad to the point where kids are growing up asking ‘who cares about the story?’ That is so fucked to me
gamedude412: It mostly okay… wow 9000 people worked for months for a “mostly okay” with a single new class
snackerrr: The expansion is not an expansion, it’s a major update that fixed many things that were wrong in the base game.

Paid patches, it’s the new meta.
aoihitori: "The writing was This is not Diablo"
ntall123: I, like many, just watched the expansion on youtube. There was zero chance I was gonna give Blizzard more money for D4. I have so much buyers remorse from launch day D4 that Blizzard single handedly solved my impulse control issues.
sabotagge9155: Blizzard doesnt even know what made D2 good. I lost my faith on them the day D3 launched. I dont know why people keep thinking that its going to be different the next time.
jaysoniorg2950: The way that Blizzard as single-handedly enabled the potentially gargantuan success of POE2 is hilarious.
chiekokurokumo: As a ghostwriter who has worked for clueless clients and also did revision work due to fellow ghostwriters failing to meet client expectations, I have a lot of opinions about the state of writing. A large part of it is due to lack of education, a lack of respect for the classics, and a prideful attitude that refuses to budge because of "convictions" and "aesthetic." If you are in a writing room with a lot of "yes" people, nothing is challenged, and this creates more garbage, which then trains the consumer to accept garbage... and when something great comes along, no one recognizes it anymore.
oRnch199: It was a 40 dollar patch.

With cringe writting.
Fraulein_Sausageball: When I first read Tolkien as a little kid, I remember thinking "Every moment of this story carries the weight of Middle Earth history on its shoulders. Even though I know Middle Earth doesn't exist, I feel as if it has a history." When I grew up, I learned that this was Tolkien's entire philosophy of how to construct a fantasy world. And it's an area that almost all creators/writers/whatever fail at.
rrc3: I cannot imagine being a Diablo fan. Everyone knew Diablo II was an unassailable masterpiece. Including the team that built it. Which is why they all left.
pricemac: Original Diablo storyline is amazing, and they barely even tell it to you:

You left home to go adventure. Finally you return, only to find you home: Tristram, in ruins.

People are happy to see a fresh face, as they've been dealing with death and fear for a long while, and you represent hope.

As you delve deeper you learn of the twisted things that have been boiling up from the depths.

Eventually facing down Diablo, and defeating him. Removing the soul stone from the posessed Prince's body, the hero cannot leave the stone free to fester again: and plunges it into his own body: certain of his ability to defeat the evil and keep it imprisoned.

Enter Diablo 2: The Hero is loosing the battle...
Gn8Lif3: The early access that identify as a full Release
chubbstgo5325: End game became Diablo3 endgame...
Actually, scratch that, Diablo3 had more mechanics per character to do rifts
EricEyetooth: Good writers don’t apply for jobs to work in offices and have a boss. They write books and get them published.
The_LightArrow: You either die a good game or live long enough to see yourself become a live service trash heap
enoknab: In the end, the real Diablo was the devil we paid to unleash this game upon the world.
Augury666: R.I.P Diablo, I played D1 a lot, D2 1000x more, even played D3 a lot. Played D4 for 3 weeks and never came back. They killed it
Davidov30: Why didn't they have early access? Because the early access players would have informed everyone else to save their money, losing Blizzard the full profit chance of everyone able to buy it on the same day.
Neeko2lo: Diablo 4 was fumbled the second it got released. This is just another day for Bluzzard.
bernardr7182: Hey your last video about Sweet Baby Inc, you speculated on why companies work with Sweet BAby Inc and you got it completely wrong.

They don't work with Sweet Baby Inc for optics. Investment firms like Blackrock offer much more attractive loans for corporations that are so good you almost have to take them but they require your company to do DEI BS to qualify for these loans. Blackrock is literally forcing this down the pipeline on the entire entertainment industry not just video games.
vladgheneli: what's baffling to me (and I'm sure to many others) is how gamers keep trying to give this obviously clueless team of dev one more chance, and one more, and one more... "I swear this is the last chance" they said, and then "OOOH EXPANSION, OOOOOOHHH, ok one more chance" Hilarious! Now Blizzard is gonna read all the critiques from players, they're gonna fix some stuff and they'll be like "look guys, we did what you wanted, give us another chance" and players will be like "Ok, fine, one more!" Pretty sure that's the best way to rate gamer stupidity.
Noble1271: Diablo 3 is owed an apology at this point
VectorC3: Wanna know why most of modern writers tends to be boring, uninspired, or just play-it safe stories?? Cuz they all follow a checkbox;

1. Everything needs to be mainstreamed/friendly to all types of audience.
2. Needs to include inclusivity at all times (even in historical events or already well established franchise),
3. Diminish or avoid themes that worked decades ago that deemed problematic or offensive today.
kavid8120: There’s no saving Diablo. So long as the same writers and Director are in control…it’s just gonna feel the same game for years
Flynnmaster: It’s very appropriate to name it “Vessel of Hatred” because Hate is the only feeling most players have when playing D4
ravercorum20: I think somebody else put it best;

"We have a Diablo game without Diablo, and a Mephisto DLC without Mephisto"
Kolt461: The one thing that Diablo had over Path of Exile was the worldbuilding lore (Literally because it had like 20 years of worldbuilding). They really dropped the ball with it huh.
Dandoskyballer: Never re-downloading that game. Never purchasing another Blizzard product again.
TobiasSherman: "I didn't realize how bad the Diablo 4 story was, until I watched the cutscenes from Diablo 2" - Asmond nailed it with that quote.
JohnAIDoe: I'm not paying $50 for a single new character. We used to get 2 characters per expansion. What happened to that?
OxyShmoxy: The writing quality in AAA got really bad these days. Writing by committee and writers invested in modern sensibilities completely destroyed the suspension of disbelief in every modern game.
noobmasterchief4314: This was Blizzard's last chance and Final Fantasy was supposed to be Squaresoft's last game...

I find it hilarious that the strongest build for Diablo 4 is a mobile game build.
snpagy: a blizzard expansion used to be beyond the dark portal. the frozen throne.
d4 just stopped doing seasonal content, then sold seasonal content as a dlc.
shfreeman4428: Man, at least Reaper of Souls for D3 had a solid campaign for the expansion...
joshuaadkins9820: Diablo 2 lore is peak
gzayas08: Storytelling in games is a side thing. If the mechanics suck, no one is going to play it. Unfortunately, D2 set a bar that blizzard is no longer able to reach. Mainly due to the fact that all the talent left and were replaced with corpo-sycophants.
Helikzhan-s7p: Cohh's analogy to HBO's GoT is the big point here. Because the writing of GRRM ended around season 5. After that the showrunners (Douche & Douche) took over. Apparently these two couldn't write for anything but they still get paid tons of money. Even the women on the show were dumbstruck when they found out what the showrunners had intended for the last season, indicating that it would be a wet blanket on the entire series. People who are paying good money to produce and to consume this slop are the real victims here. That nepotistic crowd in Hollyweird and the gaming industry needs to be abandoned in the cold in order for these industries to survive. If someone doesn't have the merit to be there they shouldn't be there.
TheSolidSnakeOil: I remember when Diablo came out and everyone was dying left and right, then they nerfed the entire game. Even mobs could one shot you. Now, it's down to press spacebar to win.
Mitchel_Davis: There are so many shows where the writers and actors have never done what they are writing about. Like shooting guns, cooking or even changing a tire or working on a car. Like having a car jacked up the wrong way and taking a tire off without jacking it up or tightening the lugs with it raised and then dropping the car and not finishing tightening the lugs, but the people are supposed to be experts. It hurts to watch. People lack any real life skills or experiences and it shows in their writing and acting or games. None of it is believable. It's all so bad it hurts.
MadamMorgue: People need to start not giving a fuck and start making games and writing stories the way the creator envisioned it in their head. Games are fantasy, not reality. Why do they think I want to be reminded of the real world, when I want to escape and be myself while enjoying a unique vision/secret someone put the effort to giving their own unique take on what is what.

Spyro, jak and daxter, Final fantasy 10, Bloodborne remake, kingdom hearts 2 without the dialogue.

Rise up gamers!
_KNFPRTY_: they need to fire everyone at blizzard making these dumbass decisions
zMeul: I haven't purchased the DLC because in the back of my mind I heavily suspected this was a possibility
when I heard they'll add multiplayer only content, I knew I done the right thing
HenryOManly: I'm too busy buying good old games to ever know the trash I'm missing out on. 1000s of games all purchased on sale that I'll never get through.
The1rust: It's pretty interesting how pushing one button to clear the screen is a measure of success with PoE whereas in Diablo 4 it's seen as a measured failure. It really goes to show how different GGG and Blizzard handle their development of an ARPG where the same outcome can be at opposite ends of each other.
xDeathCrownx: Devs: “ monsters will be harder to kill in VoH”
No shit yall just slapped barriers/over shields….thats it
Ownyx: The first clue was when Lilith became the good guy essentially. It's same crap that Disney does with Marvel. Some uber baddies wants to kill the entire world and next movie they are on the team fighting the next big baddie with the good guy. It's like middle school type plot shit. Nothing feels like it has weight or matters. Where's the angels and Tyrael?
evanpage2540: In Diablo 4 players find themselves facing Mammon, demon of greed. Should the player purchase the game they have already lost.
MySuperSecretName-lh5mh: The Eru point is so the nail in the coffin. It is true, the prime evils can convince you to do bad things, maybe because you think you're doing good. But Eru flipped on a dime, a convincing story is Marius from Diablo 2 the Epilogue, he is completely tortured and ends up in an asylum. The video of him admitting failure to whom he thinks is Tyrael. "I learned later that he(Diablo) was defeated and the soul stones were destroyed. All except one . Oh I failed Tyrael. I couldn't do as you asked. I couldn't enter that Gate. Forgive me Tyrael." - Baal: "Marius, Give me the stone and all is forgiven." - marius: "TAKE IT TAKE IT TAKE IT, I'm glad it is finally over. Look what the stone has done to me" sobbing
Lobotomistmankyeh: I first played Diablo 2 when I was 6 years old. it was one of the first games I ever played, and even my dumb six year old ass could tell it was special even if I didn't know exactly why. diablo 3 and 4 did not have any of that sauce.
poppysgtspanky: Metaphor is the way to go right now
Loolix: The base game literally gaslights you into thinking you are making a choice when you're forced into choosing to be blatantly stupid.
geerstyresoil3136: should have been free update. this game is a dumpster fire.
randymorris3417: One big factor, Joey Ray Hall did those cinematics. I think he was gone, and honestly it shows. Joey was the GOAT.
matts3756: The itemization still sucks, no loot filter blues yellows are useless and everything else is just loot piñatas of useless gear I can’t use or I need to filter through to get the right stats and then hope it tempers correctly
Herbertti3: Press X to doubt and space to win.

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