gameorally: and here comes the nerf...
BravesFan: 1. Clicks video for broken build
2. Sees build requires two specific Unique drops
3. Goes about their day
ganbramor: This speed looks a lot like clearing rooms in rifts in D3 when geared.
Zenithity: Damn bro, leave it to IGN to ruin something good. What do you think you're doing? Are you having an identity crisis over there? Quit doing build videos and go back to reviewing those 7/10 games. 100% nerf incoming now smh.
xDeathCrownx: Damn this comment section is a war of bots holy!!!
djerikfury: Have fun while you can boys. Now that IGN has picked up on this build, you can pretty much guarantee it's getting nerfed come mid-season patch or next season. No way this lasts very long
JulioFrosi: Im usually against nerfs, but this is busted.
713Memory: Rax did it first
HoldMyPan: I mapped out a build like this from scratch just to find out streamers are starting to feature it online. Feels like I've done something right!
iabaca: Woah woah woah woahhhhhh people having fun? Blizzard can't allow such a crazy build.
Anesa100: And Lightning spear was broken?