godofm3tal1: Eat your hat.
lancelot942: Just one thing you cannot sell items you get from mercs (They are account bound)
Briguy1027: Great advice -- I didn't know that 70% is the max after 90. Here I was doing pit 115 thinking it was better at glyph level 90.
V1C10US: Worth mentioning that if you play with a controller, that red icon for item enchantments doesn't appear. You have to move your mouse for it to pop up.
vapixdarmana4428: You can actually get 4 on glyphs if you do pits 50 toers higher than the glyph level.
shaunwarburton6957: F-off. You know how many runes I rolled to try and get a Bac or Kry for the f-ing shirt, and you roll both. That looks sus.
sicsempertyrannis7: Tip!
Salvaging "All Sigils" deletes tributes and compasses too.
ChrisEpler: NOTE!!: Bartered items are account bound, so you won't be trading that cool drop for billions.
grendel3k198: When im not worng you can also get 4 or 5 on glyphs
marrvin4: a Like for the cap!